GBUF Podcast: December 29, 2009

Jennifer's Body

noewok4This is the last podcast of the Decade! Allen’s so excited, he can barely get the date out. 🙂 With another slow news week, we decide to pick up a few things we should have talked about last week and manage to scrape up a few newer things to chat about.

In this episode:

  • The deaths of Brittany Murphy, Roy Disney and Dan O’Bannon
  • Box Office totals
  • Drugs are bad… Mmmmkay?
  • A Couple of Dicks has a Cop Out title change
  • The movie industry grosses more than 10 beeellion dollars
  • New York is shooting its film industry in the foot
  • George Lucas has finished filming Red Tails

The movie we reviewed this week was Jennifer’s Body. How has the time between the original release date in theatres and its DVD release affected what we think of it? Will Megan Fox be nominated for an Oscar for her performance? Enjoyable? A piece of crap? Both? Neither? You’ll have to tune in to find out what we really think of it. Is there anything you think we missed when we were talking about it? Let us know:






Homeward Bound

Stuart Little

Fritz the Cat


Escape From the Planet of the Apes

Howard the Duck

Look Who’s Talking Now


Charlotte’s Web (1973)

Day of the Dolphin

Scooby Doo


Milo & Otis

A Boy and His Dog


* I would like to make a note that Allen was in fact right to include Walt Disney’s Robin Hood in a list of possible GOODs. It was released in 1973, not 1967 like Ross suggested and I agreed to.

With the pickings as slim as they are for next week, with only one film being released between now and January 8th (The White Ribbon), we decide to base our next GBU List on Foreign Films. What are your favorite foreign films? Have you seen some real clunkers? What do you/don’t you like about them? Send us an email with your choices and reasons for choosing them and we’ll read them on the show and post them here in the show notes. Send us an email to, or a voicemail via Skype and we’ll make you semi-famous  by reading or playing your choices on the show (and the subject to ridicule).

See you next year!

– Mark

Download this episode here

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