GBUF Today: March 29, 2010

David CronenbergThe Good

A year ago we posted about the possibility of David Cronenberg returning to make a sequel to Eastern Promises. News from Deadline Hollywood indicates that is becoming closer to reality.

This is a busy time for (Paul) Webster. He’s also lining up a sequel to Eastern Promises, with Viggo Mortensen reprising his role as the Russian Mafia hitman. David Cronenberg will direct Steve Knight’s script. The Focus Features project hopes to go this winter. First, Mortensen and Cronenberg have to work together on the Sigmund Freud pic, The Talking Cure.

Deadline Hollywood.

This mean we will have back-to-back Cronenberg\Mortensen collaborations. And the world becomes a happier place ¦¬)

Desperately Seeking SusanHappy Birthday Desperately Seeking Susan! 25 years ago today the Susan Seidelman directed quirky comedy was released to positive reviews and became an iconic part of 80s pop culture, largely propelled by the (alleged) debut of Madonna. Co-starring Rosanna Arquette, Aiden Quinn, and Laurie Metcalf, the film earned Arquette a Golden Globe Nomination, and spawned the single “Into the Groove” by Madonna.

The Bad

Xmen Bad News for fans of Bryan Singer and X-Men. After all but officially slated to return to the X-Men franchise by taking the hem of both X-Men: First Class and Wolverine 2, Bryan Singer is now out of the directors chair, but remaining on a producer. What a difference a week makes!

…he is leaving because Fox liked the script that Jamie Moss wrote from Singer’s treatment so much that the studio wants the film right away, envisioning it as the first leg of a trilogy. The hope is to have it ready for 2011 release.

Perhaps sensing the momentum and worried Singer might get booked for First Class passage, Warner Bros and Legendary were quick to lock Singer into an iron-clad deal on Jack the Giant Killer. After all, it was they who got the director to do Superman Returns when Fox didn’t close him fast enough on X-Men 3.

Deadline New York

The Ugly

Following up on last weeks mention of ACTA, a draft of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement has been leaked on-line for all to see

ACTA was designed to enact the constant monitoring of everyone’s online activities — both legitimate and non-legitimate — and gives border agents in the U.S. and other member states the power to search and seize your equipment without a warrant. Effectively, it gives these officials the power to destroy (U.S.) citizens’ laptops, iPods or CDs if the agents suspect they might contain copyright-infringing content.


Ugly, ugly stuff!

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