GBUF After Dark: April 10, 2010


Logan Lerman is Spider Man!

Twitter went nuts around noon today (started by Drew McWeeny @ Hitfix), that the next Peter Parker in Spider-Man 4 will most likely be the guy who recently dazzled us on screen as ‘Percy Jackson’. You might also know Logan Lerman as the kid from such films as “Gamer” and “3:10 to Yuma”. He was also pretty good in the CW show “Jack and Bobby” which briefly was on the airwaves in 2005. I’m leaning towards this news as good casting – the kid is a  good actor… and he would fit the role of a teenage Peter Parker really well. I read the first 100 issues of ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’, and he’s a good fit.


A Sequel to ‘Mulholland Drive’ is the rumour du jour.

NBC Miami interviewed Laura Harring and uncovered a possible sequel conspiracy over in David Lynch’s neck of the (dark) woods. Apparently Mulholland Drive is being prepped for a sequel – Or not. Quoting Harring: “I’m very sure it’s coming, it’s being born…”. Oh pleez… Replace this “nothing really else came my way last decade” Laura Harring with Michael Madsen (Pulp Fiction 2), Sean Astin (Goonies 2), or any other has-been actor who tries to re-ignite the fire of their careers by spreading sequel gossip. By the way, Laura is my future girlfriend on the left of the photo…


The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission is stalling my road to wealth and riches.

F*cking US Calamity Fortunes or whatever you’re called. I’m ready to get rich on movie futures, but they are demanding more time to evaluate the situation. It’s simple people: I wire money to Hollywood concepts in development or pre-production; I get a share of the subsequent box office. How confusing is this? Michael Moore couldn’t get a straight answer about ‘derivatives’ in “Capitalism: A Love Story”, but we’re left in limbo over this?

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