Tag Archives: movie

Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Price of Admission Thief

As listeners to the podcast would know, I had some pretty high hopes going in to Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. It has some pretty good actors (Sean Bean, Pierce Brosnan, Uma Thurman, etc), a theme that … Continue reading

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I Wish I Could Unsee: Bad Lieutenant

With watching as many movies as I do, there’s bound to be some that you wish that you’d never wasted the time on. A prime example of this is The Ice Pirates. Even as a kid, I knew this movie … Continue reading

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Introducing… John Carpenter's The Thing

One of the topics brought up for discussion after one of the  podcasts was: What movie do you like to introduce to people? I didn’t have to think very hard. It’s one of my top two films of all time… … Continue reading

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GBUF Podcast: March 23, 2010

Allen wasn’t able to join us for this podcast, so Ross, John and I make it our mission to give you everything you didn’t ask to know about George Clooney! 🙂 Call it our George Clooney Special. We briefly list … Continue reading

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GBUF Podcast: Our 100th Episode!

Wow! Who’d have thunk that we would have made it to 100 episodes? In this special podcast, we list off the 10 films that influenced us in having a greater appreciation for the cinematic medium or were milestones for us. … Continue reading

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