Tag Archives: Videodrome

GBUF Podcast: Our 100th Episode!

Wow! Who’d have thunk that we would have made it to 100 episodes? In this special podcast, we list off the 10 films that influenced us in having a greater appreciation for the cinematic medium or were milestones for us. … Continue reading

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GBUF Podcast – April 28, 2009

  I bring my misery over the announced Videodrome remake and Ross is still stinging from a bad Hellraiser purchase and it makes for some animated discussion (and surprisingly light-hearted). I also pose the question, What if the MPAA reduced … Continue reading

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Now, It’s Personal

I almost cried tonight. I may still. They will not be happy tears. Variety reported that David Cronenberg’s “Videodrome” is slated for a remake. Videodrome is my favourite movie of all time. Period. The thought that it will be made … Continue reading

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